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Posts tagged outdoor wedding
Reading your own wedding vows

I love it when couples feel confident enough to write their own personal declarations, vows & promises to each other for their wedding day. It means a lovely surprise for each of the couple & normally a bit ribbing of each other’s foibles too.

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Your Marriage Proposal Story In Your Wedding Ceremony

When I meet with couples I love to hear their proposal stories. You can tell a lot about a relationship and the personalities involved by hearing about how a couple got engaged. Including a couple’s love story: how they met, their dating experience and how the proposal of marriage occurred, is a beautiful and wonderful way to make a wedding ceremony personal, intimate and meaningful.

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Planning a 2021 Wedding is still possible

Believe it or not I’m still getting wedding enquiries for 2021. And yes, organising and holding your wedding in 2021 is still possible. This is how…

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Unchained Melody at a Wedding

“Unchained Melody” is one of world’s most favourite long songs. It is the only song to have sold over a million copies by three separate artists in the U.K. But why is it called “unchained Melody” and who has recorded this love song much requested at a wedding?

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Marriage involves both Monday Mornings and Saturday Nights

Mother-in-law advice should rarely be ignored….especially when she is right. I decided to share this quote with you this morning in honour of my mother-in-law who is now 90 years young. She told my then fiancé & I these wise words of advice after telling her that we’d got engaged to be married.

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Beautiful words to quote at your wedding

Passages from Canadian poet & novelist Margaret Attwood’s work are a popular choice at weddings. But which to choose and which to miss?

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What was Robin Hood & Marian's real love story?

Probably the most requested wedding first dance song in the last 30 years is “(Everything I do) I do it for you” by Bryan Adams. It still holds the UK record for the longest uninterrupted period at No1 in the charts (16 weeks). It was released to accompany the film Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves in 1991. But what was the true love story?

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What's Your Love Story?

Whatever your love story, I can turn it into a beautiful and meaningful wedding ceremony. With some lines from an extract of the poem “Go to the Limits of Your Longing” by Rainer Maria Rilke, we explore what is love.

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What's in a Wedding Vow?

Every great ceremony, like every great novel & love story, has a beginning, middle & end. The peak of emotion in the middle of a wedding ceremony is most frequently “the vows”.

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The Kiss

Every celebrant-led ceremony is a personal creation, written uniquely for the couple & their love story. At some point, however, we will always get to “the kiss”. I give the couple a range of choices over the words I will use at this point. Traditionally “You may now kiss the bride” is used & is still very popular, but there are also many other variations.

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A Musical Interlude at a Wedding

Your wedding day can feel that it is going so fast that couples often plan in “slow-down & just be” time. Moments they can just enjoy each other’s company & the day they have created for themselves, their family & friends. So consider a musical interlude.

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Intimate Wedding Vows

Finding the right words to express your intimate feelings to you partner can difficult. Saying them as part of your beautiful bespoke wedding ceremony can be even harder. I work with couples on their vows & give whatever help & support they request and need.

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Wedding Flowers

Whether your wedding is due to be an intimate event or a “big do”, the chances are you will have a beautiful selection of flowers that represent your romantic love. What will you choose?

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A Beautiful Love Poem for a Wedding

Want a beautiful love poem for your wedding? What about “Smile On My Mind” by Luke O. Meyers.

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Wedding Under An Ash Tree

Ash trees are magnificent trees which have a great mystical tradition & cultural importance in many aspects of human life. The ancient Britons & Celts believed the ash had magical powers & it is one of the 5 sacred trees. It was used to protect people from evil spirits & to make magical wands, staffs & broomsticks. Vikings & Anglo-Saxons used ash for spears & shields.

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