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Posts tagged marriage
What's Your Love Story?

Whatever your love story, I can turn it into a beautiful and meaningful wedding ceremony. With some lines from an extract of the poem “Go to the Limits of Your Longing” by Rainer Maria Rilke, we explore what is love.

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What's in a Wedding Vow?

Every great ceremony, like every great novel & love story, has a beginning, middle & end. The peak of emotion in the middle of a wedding ceremony is most frequently “the vows”.

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Wonderful A A Milne Quotations
Why is the ring exchange significant?

The exchanging of rings, like vows, is purely ceremonial & has no actual legal status & so can take place at a modern celebrant-led wedding in any location, even outdoors. The giving & receiving of rings at a wedding is said to date back to ancient Egypt as the circle represents eternity, with no beginning or end.

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What is the difference between a Wedding Celebrant and a Marriage Registrar?

There is a subtle but important legal difference between the words “wedding” and “marriage”. Why bother with a celebrant when a marriage registrar can attend your venue and do your marriage registration at your wedding? There are three main reasons why couples choose to have a wedding celebrant conduct their wedding ceremony for them and do their marriage registration at another time, either before or after their wedding.

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