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Posts in Wedding poem
Words on Love and Marriage

There are many lovely poems about love and marriage which can be read at a wedding ceremony. Here is one poem which balances a path between the beautiful truth and the funny realities of life.

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True Love by Helen Steiner Rice

True Love by Helen Steiner Rice is a popular poem read in wedding ceremonies. It’s easy to see why, it is short but beautiful & true.

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Love Is By Susan Pulis Schutz

Love is: the freedom to pursue your own desires while sharing your experiences with the other person, the growth of one individual alongside of and together with the growth of another individual.

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Opulent and timeless words about love - Shakespeare's Sonnets

William Shakespeare’s Love Sonnets are lovely to have included in a wedding ceremony because they are not too long and most are easily understandable.

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To Love Is Not To Possess by James Kavanagh

This beautiful extract is from James Kavannagh & was the most popular choice for a reading with my couples in 2021. Will it remain as popular in 2022?

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To Love Is Not To Possess By James Kavanagh

A Beautiful poem about love and marriage is a wonderful way to make your wedding ceremony romantic and relaxed. It gives time for the couple and their guests to pause, relax and listen to some wonderfully crafted words. This is one of my favourites.

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