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Funerals & memorial services

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I am a fully trained and experienced funeral celebrant. As an independent funeral celebrant I work with all funeral directors and with families who decide to arrange a funeral themselves. I write and deliver religious, semi-religious and humanist-style funeral services - whatever style of service the family request.

I will work with you, your family, friends and care-staff to write and deliver a funeral or memorial service to honour the life of a person who has died.

Feel free to talk through your thoughts and ideas with me on 07865 400312

Or contact me by email:

writing & delivering a Funeral service

If you are organising a funeral, I will meet with you (virtually or face-to-face as you choose) to understand any funeral wishes of the person who has died, as well as your own. If you are using a funeral director, I will work with them and keep them informed of your funeral service choices as you may have decided to use them to print an order of service. I will work with any friends, family or care-home staff to create a ceremony which feels uniquely personal and fitting for the person who has died. I will work alongside you to select any music and readings for the service. I will write a ceremony and eulogy/tribute which feels uniquely personal and fitting for the values, beliefs and personality of the person who has died. I’ll lead the funeral service to meet your wishes. I will present you with a commemorative copy of the readings, eulogy and blessings after the funeral service.

I write and deliver funeral services for cremations and burials (including woodland burials). I write and deliver funeral services for people of all religious beliefs and those with none. My funeral services can be traditional or celebratory. It is down to you.

Children often have particular wishes and needs at a funeral. As an ex-headteacher, I have a deep experience of supporting children in emotional circumstances. If requested by parents, I’ll help to involve children and grandchildren in creating a ceremony which will support them in their grieving process.

I am fully trained, achieving the NOCN Level 3 Certificate in Civil Celebrancy in the UK, and have committed to continuous professional development. I have also adopted the Funeral Celebrancy Council’s Celebrant Accord.

My Funeral Celebrant fees are £230.

a Post-funeral Memorial Service

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, many funerals over the last 2 years have not been able to take place in the way families would have wished. Consequently, you may now be considering post-funeral memorial services for wider friends and family when government restrictions allow. I will work with you to co-create a memorial service which could be combined with a scattering or internment of ashes, or a tree-planting ceremony as an act of remembrance.

Grave tending services

After a burial or internment of ashes, many people find for various reasons, that they cannot tend to a loved-one’s grave in the way they would wish. It could be because they live far away from the grave, they are now physically unable to do the groundwork or their busy family and working life means they find it difficult to find the time. As well as a trained and experienced funeral celebrant, I can also look after and tend to a loved-one’s grave in the way that you want.