What is the Quaich or "Loving Cup" ceremony?

The Quaich or “Loving Cup ceremony is a Scottish wedding ritual but you do not have to have Celtic heritage to use or adapt this ceremony into your own celebration or toast at your wedding ceremony.

A quaich is a shallow two handled drinking vessel traditionally used to mark a celebration and to display trust. Historically, Scottish Chiefs and Clansmen would drink whisky from the same quaich to show that they were not trying to poison each other. Today, it is used towards the end of a wedding ceremony to demonstrate and celebrate the unity of a couple’s marriage. The sweet and bitter tones of the whisky represents the happy and sad times that are an inevitable part of life. By drinking the same drink, the couple demonstrate their wish to experience their future joyful and challenging times in life together.

The “Loving Cup” ceremony can be adapted and made relevant to all and every couple.

Eleanor and Will (pictured) drink their favourite blended whisky from a specially engraved pewter quaich which is now a wedding keepsake which they can re-use every anniversary as a reminder of the vows they made to each other on their wedding day.

Alternatively, Holly and Jack (pictured) drank their favourite whisky liqueur, Fireball. Sarah and Billy choose to drink their favourite toffee flavoured vodka from special glasses from Perranporth, their favourite holiday destination. Alternatively you could drink wine or gin; most alcoholic drinks contain bitter and sweet elements that can be crafted into a fun and yet meaningful wedding ritual.

The “Loving Cup” ceremony normally takes place after the wedding vows and ring exchange as a celebration. Holly and jack went one stage further and placed miniature whisky Fireball bottles on the seats of all their guests so that they could join the newlyweds in their first toast in their outdoor ceremony. Perfect!

Huge thanks to the amazing photographers:

  • Eleanor & Will’s Wedding: @clairebemisterphotography

  • Holly & Jack’s Wedding: @flyonthewall_wedding_photo

Feel free to get in touch to find out more and to see if I am available to craft and deliver a fun and memorable wedding ceremony for you.

David Willis