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Renewal of vows

renewal of vows


What is a Renewal of Vows Ceremony?

A Renewal of Vows Ceremony is a wonderful opportunity for a couple to celebrate their on-going love and commitment to each other.

A Renewal of Vows Ceremony often, but not always, takes place to mark a significant wedding anniversary, perhaps, 5 years, 10 years or a Silver 25th Wedding Anniversary or Ruby 40th Anniversary. Sometimes, a couple chooses to have a Renewal of Vows ceremony after a significant event like a life-changing moment, serious illness or the birth of their final child together.

Where can a Renewal of Vows take place?

A Renewal of Vows Ceremony can take place anywhere, at a hired venue, where they can invite many guests and have professional catering, perhaps even the same venue where the original wedding took place. Alternatively, it could be at an intimate and less formal venue like a private house or garden. A smaller venue would include fewer guests clearly, and may even be self-catered. It could even take place outdoors, perhaps at one of your favourite locations to spend time together. Couples sometimes have a Renewal of Vows Ceremony in an exotic location, somewhere they might have wished to have their original wedding, if only they had the finances back then. I do travel!

What happens in the ceremony?

In a Renewal of Vows Ceremony, as the name implies, after a welcome and perhaps some music and readings, the couple recommit their love and lives together. They might decide to use a version of their original vows, alternatively, the couple might choose to write completely new vows which reflect better their current age, experience & responsibilities.

I offer two types of Renewal of Vows Ceremony to suit all budgets. In my “Traditional “ Renewal of Vows Ceremony, I work with the couple on the vows they want to say to each other and how they want their love story told and celebrated.

In my “Modern” Renewal of Vows Ceremony I give the couple the opportunity to do something a bit different than what they probably had in their original ceremony. Perhaps it might be a hand-fasting or tree-planting ritual. If they have children they want to involve, perhaps it is a sand-blending or water-blending ceremony. I will work with the couple to make their Renewal of Vows Ceremony unique and beautiful.

To find out what is included in each ceremony and prices, click below and then on the individual ceremony and select “Weekday/Weekend”.

What modern rituals are available?

You can read about the wide range of amazing wedding rituals available from a modern celebrant in my Wedding Blog.